In [1]:
%matplotlib inline
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import glob
import os
import scipy as sp
from scipy import stats

from tools.plt import color2d #from the 'srcole/tools' repo
from matplotlib import cm

Load dataframes

In [2]:
# Load cities info
df_cities = pd.read_csv('/gh/data2/yelp/city_pop.csv', index_col=0)

city state population total_food latitude longitude total_scraped
0 New York New York 8537673 54191 40.705445 -73.994293 1000
1 Los Angeles California 3976322 41685 34.061590 -118.321381 1000
2 Chicago Illinois 2704958 19315 41.905159 -87.677765 1000
3 Houston Texas 2303482 15197 29.784854 -95.359955 1000
4 Phoenix Arizona 1615017 11034 33.465086 -112.070160 1000

In [3]:
# Load restaurants
df_restaurants = pd.read_csv('/gh/data2/yelp/food_by_city/df_restaurants.csv', index_col=0)

id name city state rating review_count cost latitude longitude has_delivery has_pickup url
0 poquito-picante-brooklyn-2 Poquito Picante New York New York 4.5 40 2 40.685742 -73.981262 True True
1 nourish-brooklyn-4 Nourish New York New York 4.0 65 2 40.677960 -73.968550 True True
2 taste-of-heaven-brooklyn Taste of Heaven New York New York 5.0 19 2 40.717150 -73.940540 False True
3 milk-and-cream-cereal-bar-new-york Milk & Cream Cereal Bar New York New York 4.5 307 2 40.719580 -73.996540 False False
4 the-bao-shoppe-new-york-2 The Bao Shoppe New York New York 4.0 99 1 40.714345 -73.990518 False False

In [4]:
# Load categories by restaurant
df_categories = pd.read_pickle('/gh/data2/yelp/food_by_city/df_categories_sparse.pkl')

acaibowls accessories active acupuncture adultedu advertising aerialfitness afghani african airport_shuttles ... wine_bars wineries winetasteclasses winetastingroom winetours womenscloth wraps yelpevents yoga zoos
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ... 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ... 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ... 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ... 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ... 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

5 rows × 684 columns

1. What are most popular categories?

In [5]:
# Manually concatenate categories with at least 500 counts
# Find categories D and V such that category 'D' should be counted as vategory 'V'
category_subsets = {'delis': 'sandwiches',
                    'sushi': 'japanese',
                    'icecream': 'desserts',
                    'cafes': 'coffee',
                    'sportsbars': 'bars',
                    'hotdog': 'hotdogs',
                    'wine_bars': 'bars',
                    'pubs': 'bars',
                    'cocktailbars': 'bars',
                    'beerbar': 'bars',
                    'tacos': 'mexican',
                    'gastropubs': 'bars',
                    'ramen': 'japanese',
                    'chocolate': 'desserts',
                    'dimsum': 'chinese',
                    'cantonese': 'chinese',
                    'szechuan': 'chinese',
                    'coffeeroasteries': 'coffee',
                    'hookah_bars': 'bars',
                    'irish_pubs': 'bars'}

for k in category_subsets.keys():
    df_categories[category_subsets[k]] = np.logical_or(df_categories[k], df_categories[category_subsets[k]])

ValueError                                Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-5-54736d764a78> in <module>()
     24 for k in category_subsets.keys():
---> 25     df_categories[category_subsets[k]] = np.logical_or(df_categories[k], df_categories[category_subsets[k]])

ValueError: operands could not be broadcast together with shapes (16854,) (64723,) 

In [ ]:
# Remove some categories                                                                                       # R
category_remove = ['hotdog', 'cafes']
for k in category_remove:
    df_categories.drop(k, axis=1, inplace=True)

In [ ]:
# Top categories
N = 20
category_counts = df_categories.sum().sort_values(ascending=False)
top_N_categories = list(category_counts.head(N).keys())
top_N_categories_counts = category_counts.head(N).values


In [ ]:
# Bar chart
plt.figure(figsize=(12,5)), top_N_categories_counts / len(df_restaurants), color='k', ecolor='.5')
plt.xticks(np.arange(N), top_N_categories)
plt.ylabel('Fraction of restaurants', size=20)
plt.xlabel('Restaurant category', size=20)
plt.xticks(size=15, rotation='vertical')

2. What are the most common restaurant chains?

In [ ]:
gb = df_restaurants.groupby('name')
df_chains = gb.mean()[['rating', 'review_count', 'cost']]
df_chains['count'] = gb.size()
df_chains.sort_values('count', ascending=False, inplace=True)

2a. Correlations in chain properties

  • higher rating --> more reviews, fewer branches
  • more branches --> fewer reviews
  • 'u' relationship between cost and review count: lots of reviews to branches that are consistently 1, or consistently 2, but not those that are inconsistent
    • true for min_count = 40, 50, 100, 200,

In [ ]:
# Only consider restaurants with at least 50 locations
min_count = 50
df_temp = df_chains[df_chains['count'] >= min_count]

plt_num = 1
for i, k1 in enumerate(df_temp.keys()):
    for j, k2 in enumerate(df_temp.keys()[i+1:]):
        if k1 in ['review_count', 'count']:
            if k2 in ['review_count', 'count']:
                plot_f = plt.loglog
                plot_f = plt.semilogx
            if k2 in ['review_count', 'count']:
                plot_f = plt.semilogy
                plot_f = plt.plot
        plt.subplot(3, 2, plt_num)
        plot_f(df_temp[k1], df_temp[k2], 'k.')
        plt_num += 1
        r, p = stats.spearmanr(df_temp[k1], df_temp[k2])

2b. Number of franchises vs rating (bokeh)

In [ ]:
from import output_notebook
from bokeh.layouts import row, widgetbox
from bokeh.models import CustomJS, Slider, Legend, HoverTool
from bokeh.plotting import figure, output_file, show, ColumnDataSource


# Slider variables
min_N_franchises = 100

# Determine dataframe sources
df_chains2 = df_chains[df_chains['count'] > 10].reset_index()
df_temp = df_chains2[df_chains2['count'] >= min_N_franchises]

# Create data source for plotting and Slider callback
source1 = ColumnDataSource(df_temp, id='source1')
source2 = ColumnDataSource(df_chains2, id='source2')

hover = HoverTool(tooltips=[
    ("Name", "@name"),
    ("Avg Stars", "@rating"),
    ("# locations", "@count")])

# Make initial figure of net income vs years of saving
plot = figure(plot_width=400, plot_height=400,
              x_axis_label='Number of locations',
              y_axis_label='Average rating',
              x_axis_type="log", tools=[hover])

plot.scatter('count', 'rating', source=source1, line_width=3, line_alpha=0.6, line_color='black')

# Declare how to update plot on slider change
callback = CustomJS(args=dict(s1=source1, s2=source2), code="""
    var d1 = s1.get("data");
    var d2 = s2.get("data");
    var N = N.value;
    d1["count"] = [];
    d1["rating"] = [];
    for(i=0;i <=d2["count"].length; i++){
        if (d2["count"][i] >= N) {


N_slider = Slider(start=10, end=1000, value=min_N_franchises, step=10,
                  title="minimum number of franchises", callback=callback)
callback.args["N"] = N_slider

# Define layout of plot and sliders
layout = row(plot, widgetbox(N_slider))

# Output and show
output_file("/gh/", title="Yelp WIP")

3. Distributions of ratings, review counts, and costs

3a. Distibutions

In [ ]:
N_bins_per_factor10 = 8
bins_by_key = {'rating': np.arange(0.75, 5.75, .5),
               'review_count': np.logspace(1, 5, num=N_bins_per_factor10*4+1),
               'cost': np.arange(.5, 5, 1)}
log_by_key = {'rating': False,
               'review_count': True,
               'cost': False}

plt.figure(figsize=(12, 4))
for i, k in enumerate(bins_by_key.keys()):
    weights = np.ones_like(df_restaurants[k].values)/float(len(df_restaurants[k].values))
    plt.subplot(1, 3, i+1)
    plt.hist(df_restaurants[k].values, bins_by_key[k], log=log_by_key[k],
             color='k', edgecolor='.5', weights=weights)
    if k == 'review_count':
        plt.xlim((10, 40000))
    elif i == 0:

3b. Correlations (histograms)

In [ ]:
# Prepare histogram analysis
gb_cost = df_restaurants.groupby('cost').groups
gb_rating = df_restaurants.groupby('rating').groups

# Remove 0 from gb_rating

N_bins_cost = len(gb_cost.keys())
N_bins_count = len(bins_by_key['review_count']) - 1
N_bins_rate = len(bins_by_key['rating']) - 1

# Hist: review count and rating as fn of cost
hist_count_by_cost = np.zeros((N_bins_cost, N_bins_count))
hist_rate_by_cost = np.zeros((N_bins_cost, N_bins_rate))
points_count_by_cost = np.zeros((N_bins_cost, 3))
points_rate_by_cost = np.zeros((N_bins_cost, 3))
for i, k in enumerate(gb_cost.keys()):
    # Make histogram of review count as fn of cost
    x = df_restaurants.loc[gb_cost[k]]['review_count'].values
    hist_temp, _ = np.histogram(x, bins=bins_by_key['review_count'])
    # Make each cost sum to 1
    hist_count_by_cost[i] = hist_temp / np.sum(hist_temp)
    # Compute percentiles
    points_count_by_cost[i,0] = np.mean(x)
    points_count_by_cost[i,1] = np.std(x)
    points_count_by_cost[i,2] = np.min([np.std(x), 5-np.mean(x)])
    # Repeat for rating
    x = df_restaurants.loc[gb_cost[k]]['rating'].values
    hist_temp, _ = np.histogram(x, bins=bins_by_key['rating'])
    hist_rate_by_cost[i] = hist_temp / np.sum(hist_temp)
    points_rate_by_cost[i,0] = np.mean(x)
    points_rate_by_cost[i,1] = np.std(x)
    points_rate_by_cost[i,2] = np.min([np.std(x), 5-np.mean(x)])
# Make histograms of review count as fn of rating
hist_count_by_rate = np.zeros((N_bins_rate, N_bins_count))
points_count_by_rate = np.zeros((N_bins_rate, 3))
for i, k in enumerate(gb_rating.keys()):
    # Make histogram of review count as fn of cost
    x = df_restaurants.loc[gb_rating[k]]['review_count'].values
    hist_temp, _ = np.histogram(x, bins=bins_by_key['review_count'])
    # Make each cost sum to 1
    hist_count_by_rate[i] = hist_temp / np.sum(hist_temp)
    points_count_by_rate[i,0] = np.mean(x)
    points_count_by_rate[i,1] = np.std(x)
    points_count_by_rate[i,2] = np.min([np.std(x), 5-np.mean(x)])

In [ ]:
# Make a 2d colorplot
color2d(hist_rate_by_cost, cmap=cm.viridis,
        clim=[0,.4], cticks = np.arange(0,.41,.05), color_label='Probability',
        plot_xlabel='Rating', plot_ylabel='Cost ($)',
        plot_xticks_locs=range(N_bins_rate), plot_xticks_labels=gb_rating.keys(),
        plot_yticks_locs=range(N_bins_cost), plot_yticks_labels=gb_cost.keys(),
        interpolation='none', fontsize_minor=14, fontsize_major=19)

# On top, plot the mean and st. dev.
# plt.errorbar(points_rate_by_cost[:,0] / , np.arange(N_bins_cost), fmt='.', color='w', ms=10,
#              xerr=points_rate_by_cost[:,1:].T, ecolor='w', alpha=.5)

In [ ]:
# Make a 2d colorplot
xbins_label = np.arange(0,N_bins_per_factor10*2+1, N_bins_per_factor10)
color2d(hist_count_by_cost, cmap=cm.viridis,
        clim=[0,.2], cticks = np.arange(0,.21,.05), color_label='Probability',
        plot_xlabel='Number of reviews', plot_ylabel='Cost ($)',
        plot_xticks_locs=xbins_label, plot_xticks_labels=bins_by_key['review_count'][xbins_label].astype(int),
        plot_yticks_locs=range(N_bins_cost), plot_yticks_labels=gb_cost.keys(),
        interpolation='none', fontsize_minor=14, fontsize_major=19)
plt.xlim((-.5,N_bins_per_factor10*2 + .5))

In [ ]:
# Make a 2d colorplot
xbins_label = np.arange(0,N_bins_per_factor10*2+1, N_bins_per_factor10)
color2d(hist_count_by_rate, cmap=cm.viridis,
        clim=[0,.4], cticks = np.arange(0,.41,.1), color_label='Probability',
        plot_xlabel='Number of reviews', plot_ylabel='Rating',
        plot_xticks_locs=xbins_label, plot_xticks_labels=bins_by_key['review_count'][xbins_label].astype(int),
        plot_yticks_locs=range(N_bins_rate), plot_yticks_labels=gb_rating.keys(),
        interpolation='none', fontsize_minor=14, fontsize_major=19)
plt.xlim((-.5,N_bins_per_factor10*2 + .5))